
Showing posts from June, 2017

My student led conference

Careers Education C.V. Writing

In CAREERS EDUCATION we have been learning to write a skills based Curriculum Vitae. A skills based C.V. focuses more on the skills that we have,  rather than our work history. Here is a link to our online Modelling Book that shows the process we have followed. Three things that I have learned about writing a Curriculum Vitae are: It is an easy style of writing. It is a brief piece of information about you. You can use it to get a job. Here is a link to my Skills based Curriculum Vitae.

Leadership-helping with the open night and going to te hapua-excellence post #5

Yesterday Ashley, Daniel J, Husain and I went to the hall kitchen at lunchtime to help make a dip for the open night we made beetroot and chickpea dip, it was fun. Also last friday Mr ladbrooks class went to Te Hapua Library to do some coding and robotics. I did coding and we had to use this website called Scratch to command our sprite what to do I found it really fun. I showed active thinking by actively thinking my way out of the pit when I was coding and I showed contributing by volunteering to contribute to the open night.

Home learning challenge excellence post #3

Design your own challenge: Poem about my council trip. They walked out of school, in the direction of the pool, And waited there for the bus. When it finally came, they hopped on to claim their  comfortable seats. They set off on their expedition, and gained permission, to enter the Christchurch City Council. When they stride inside, they try to abide, and enjoy their time with the guide. After a slideshow, they got to know, some professionals that work there. Each group learn't something new, and conversed as they chew, their morning tea. After that they do some activities, in some cases involving festivities, they share back to the group. Then they go to the chamber, now here's a disclaimer, It was as fun as can be! Then not too later, they met a nice waiter, in a place called Hachi Hachi. They ate their food, all in a good mood, then they go down to the town square. After a bit of walking, and a little ta...

Leadership-helping out around the school and takeing part in dancing-excellence post #4

1/6/17 On Monday I helped out with peer mediation because someone way away to do there job there was two problems to sort out. The first one was a kid who was sad because his friend wont let him play I solved the problem by asking the friend if they could agree on a game and they did. The second problem was a kid who fell over and to solve the problem I took him to a teacher to give him a sick bay form. The last two weeks the whole school did dance as our school production and I think I did really well and on last Friday night we preformed it was great fun and everyone put in a great effort. I showed Active Thinking by thinking my way out of the problem as peer mediator and by having an open mind when learning dance, I also showed goal focused by being focused on the goal of  achieving  a new dance.