Home learning challenge excellence post #3

Design your own challenge: Poem about my council trip.

They walked out of school,
in the direction of the pool,
And waited there for the bus.
When it finally came,
they hopped on to claim
their  comfortable seats.

They set off on their expedition,
and gained permission,
to enter the Christchurch City Council.
When they stride inside,
they try to abide,
and enjoy their time with the guide.

After a slideshow,
they got to know,
some professionals that work there.
Each group learn't something new,
and conversed as they chew,
their morning tea.

After that they do some activities,
in some cases involving festivities,
they share back to the group.
Then they go to the chamber,
now here's a disclaimer,
It was as fun as can be!

Then not too later,
they met a nice waiter,
in a place called Hachi Hachi.
They ate their food,
all in a good mood,
then they go down to the town square.

After a bit of walking,
and a little talking,
they arrived at their destination,
with the great temptation,
to have fun!

Swing ball, golf, instruments and more,
it was totally great for sure!
Now they see the remains,
of Christchurchs terrains,
of which used to be a beautiful cathedral.

After that event,
the rest of the time we spent,
was going back to school,
this trip was way cool!

- By Jacinta, Alex and Katie.


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