I can make links across texts by recognising connectives or adverbial clauses

I can make links across texts by recognising connectives or adverbial clauses

In this unit learnt about connectives and how the contribute to a sentince and I learnt about what an adverbial clause it and how to put them into a sentice.

A connective is a joing word that can be used in the middle of two sentices to join them or at the start of the two sentence but put a commer where they should go a few exaples of a connective are: Because, after, meanwhile, and, As soon as.

An adverbial clause is The bit of informatin before a commor (but not on lists) an exaple is: After herold ate dinner, he went to bed.

Here is a link to a compare and contrast map of an adverbial clause and a connective
My map


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