Key leadership visiting the council excellence post #5

Yesterday all of the student leaders went on a great trip to the Christchurch City Council. First we walked down to catch the bus and bused all the way into town. When we got there a nice girl called Celia introduced herself to us and told us all about the builds and the the Whenua (totem pole) that was outside. Then we all went inside to this presentation room where Celia guided us through this cool presentation about what the CCC does for the community. Not to soon after we all broke into different groups and went with an expert from a different department of the CCC. Alex, Tracy and I went with this nice lady named Kelly she worked in park recreation and sports oragnising her job was to organise all the different sports team/tournaments with a park to play in. Once we had finished that we went back to the presentation room to have some food to eat. After we ate Celia gave us this supper fun activity about budgeting. After that we went up to the chamber it was so much fun.

I showed the Community care value by representing Oaklands in the community, I also showed active thinking as I had to actively think my way out of the pit on some hard games and puzzles we did at the chamber.


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