Koru Games Reflection

Koru Games Reflection

In the Koru Games the sport I competed in was girls volleyball.

Our team came in 8th place out of 24 teams.

I found the experience to be great fun because even though we didn't win we got to make new friends and hangout with them.

In terms of working with Individuals and Groups; my solo level is extended abstract because I was a part of my group an I contributed in any way I could.

For Teamwork; my solo level is extended abstract because we had great teamwork, great sportsmen ship and at the same time we had a lot of fun.

Individuals and groups
I need help to work in a group (with teachers or other students
I can work in a group with my friends.
I can work in a group with anyone in my  year level or team  

I can respond positively to the needs of others
I can reflect on how well I work with the group and seek feedback on how I can improve

I need help to interact with others.

I need help to participate in a team.
I can interact with others one to one.

I can participate in a team.
I can interact with others in a small group.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team.

I can participate and take responsibility in a team and explain my choices in terms of team outcomes.
I can participate in creating healthy teams by taking responsibility and critical action.


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