
Showing posts from 2016

W.A.L.T Find Fractions, Decimals and Percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers, simple fractions, and decimals

what I learnt was how to find a fraction of another fraction by multiplying What i found challenging was task 3 because it was very hard and confusing. Here is my compare and contrast map for two of the strategies above. This is my assessment task here is the link to the task  The link   you will have to turn your head

NZ Identity Treaty of Waitangi

Here's a link to my compare and contrast map: My map What I found interesting: That the maori version and the english version said something completely different What would you like to find out more about? How the treaty is used in parliament

NZ identity war

NZ Parliament

Parliament This term we have been learning about Parliament. We have looked at the difference between government and parliament, NZ parliament, who is in government, how our government works and we compared democracy to dictatorship. Three things that I learned are NZ parliament are: In dictatorship you can not chose you own movies and if you criticize the leader you will be put in jail. I learnt that a lot of debating happens in the house and John Key sits in the fourth seat on the right. It's not just one party in the house it is other parties too. Here is the link to my compare and contrast map explaining the difference between democracy and dictatorship. my compare and contrast map

Taking action

extended abstract I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury In this project I was working with Jacinta and we decided to create…A story book Here is a link what we made. Our book! In this project we decided that our success criteria were:   A good Children’s Story needs... Why is this important? Theme and plot It needs a plot and title or the reader will get confused and stop reading. A point, lesson and promotion There needs to be a point to the story and a lesson so when the person has finished reading they have learn’t something Story structure It will need structure to it as well because or there won’t be the main part of the story. Characters Make up your own characters to make the story more interesting! Setting It needs a setting. It could be in 1905 at war or the year 3000 in the future! Overall our project met/do not meet this criteria because...It has a good theme and plot (going to the beach). ...


Music Paste this into the blog post I can describe the characteristics of music in songs from the past and present and from different genres. Over the past 9 weeks I have been learning to describe the characteristics of music from songs of various times and genres. I can name and define these characteristics of music… (list them below and explain what they are) 1. tombra 2.harmony 3. rythem 4. melody 5. form What did you find most interesting during this topic. I found…….. listening to the music interesting because……I like listening to music it calms me down Which characteristic do you find yourself picking up on when listening to your own music now?form When I listen to my own music I often hear……… form because of the order of the song(explain how you can hear it)

Koru Games

The activity I did was Girls Football My highlights of Koru Games are: 1. Playing Hornby High because they had GREAT sportsmanship. 2. Watching the prizegiving because Oaklands boys A team got a gold medal. I am proud of our teamwork because at training we didn't do so well. Next year I will give another position a go because I am just hanging back at Defence.

te hapua

Today we were learning about 3D printing for our up comeing te hapua google slide

Student Led Conference

The things I enjoyed most about my SLC were: Getting great feedback and reaction from my dad. What went well and why? Showing him my test result and what it means because i was a bit hesitant about mucking up. What were the challenges you faced when preparing and presenting your SLC? Because i'm new I had to delete some slides and think up a way to make specific slides work and still sound professional at the same time. What changes would you make for next time and why? Make the Whole thing a bit longer because i finished it early and had to give my dad a tour of my class to kill time.