Key leadership-Big leader lesson-showing active thinking-Merit post #2

Last week all of the leaders split into there groups Pals, Peer Mediators, Librarian And Student Leaders.
I am a student leader so I went with all so the student leaders.
First we watched Two videos explaining ways to help make a difference to our school I learnt that things like playing games on the field at lunch and organizing fundraisers.
Then we had to fill out a sheet on what we want to do to make a difference to Oaklands me and Savannah came up with make a google slide to present a assembly and make it fun so everyone enjoys it. A little while after Some of the leaders made a video about the 6 leadership traits are  Integrity, Goal Focused, Trustworthy, Active Thinker, Resilient and Motivational I showed active thinking by speaking proudly in the video and making a google slide for assembly.


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