Elections: I would march for Maori Party.

WALT: Write an effective argument for our chosen political party.

“Get on board our waka” do you know what this means? To me Maori Party's catch phrase is inviting you to join there group (waka) by voting for them in the upcoming election I am going to join it. I am going to tell you about the three most important policies Maori Party has claimed to achieve if they win the election, the policies are all to do with justice, safety, and health the three things that are most important to me. I will start off by telling you about the policies to do with health.

Make doctor and dentists visits free for under 18 years of age
This will be good for the health of children and teens, It will include after hours and weekends. One of the reason I believe this is a good policy is because Kids and teens get sick and hurt a lot more than adults. Also, have you seen some of the cost the parents already have to spend a lot of money on there kids. The Maori party is not just worried about doctor visits for kids they are also concerned about guns, tasers, and pepper spray laws.

Review the rules for use of pepper spray, guns, and tasers
The Maori Party believes that a lot of racism in officers and members of the public this can result in innocent people being threatened or assaulted by inappropriate use of pepper spray, guns, and tasers. I think this will teach officers when the right time is to use these many weapons. This will also make people feel safer having police around armed with pepper spray, guns ,and tasers. On the line of racism among officers this bring us to our next topic.

Provide racial bias training for everyone working in Criminal justice system
This will hopefully make a lot of officers not bias when it comes to race than everyone will have a fair chance not and unfair chance based on the skin colour of members of the public. Also I think this will change the way that police look at other people. Including lawyers and judges because they might make an incorrect sentence based on their skin colour. Now you know why I believe in providing racial bias training now I will tell you about a policy I disagree with.

Reduce class sizes in primary schools
I am against Maori party policy to Reduce class sizes in primary schools because it will make it harder for the schools (having to provide more classrooms), the school will have to employ more staff, and also it will give the students les people who they can collaborate with. That is why I strongly think this policy is not needed.

I certainly know that I am going to board Maori party's waka. All of there very many policies will help make New Zealand a great place. They will help people with not much money visit doctors and dentist for free as the prices can get quite high, Also they will help make the lives easier for members of the public knowing that the police officer will think twice before pulling a weapon on them. Now that you have heard my reasons on why I am going to board Maoris party waka, are you?

My next steps are: I need to be more consistent with my emotive language.


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