Leadership-Contributing to the comunity of Oaklands school-Excellence post #1

On Friday in choir there wern't many year 7/8s because the year sevens were on camp.
First we sang some songs;
Dont dream its over (I dont know the artist)
And africa by Toto
Then we worked on a harmony with africa and I am looking fowrd to going to the music fetival.

Later on I helped out in the reception classroom It was really fun I enjoyed it a lot because i got to play with the little buddies and interacting with them. The buddie I played with her name was Maya (Not sure if i spelt that right).

In both of these activitys I showed comunity by contributing to the comunity of the oaklands choir and also by contributing to the comunity of Oaklands school by hanging out with the buddys, I also showed Motivation by motivating the buddys to have fun.


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